Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How Strategic Choice Becomes a Subjective Matter When Used in the Management Procedures of Decision Making Free Essay Example, 2000 words

This research tells that strategic choices are concerned with decisions about an organization s future and the way it needs to respond to the many pressures and influences that often affect its operations. Basically, strategic choices are influenced by the following frameworks namely, Base of Competitive Advantage, Strategy directions, and Methods of pursuing strategies. The strategic choice approach is viewed as an ongoing approach in which the planned management of uncertainty plays a crucial role. In business, the strategic choice plays a significant role if properly implemented as it would allow the business to eliminate certain obstacles that can affect the operations of a business. This is particularly concerned with the way an organization deals with the aspect of positioning itself in relation to the competitors. Key strategic issues have to be identified and dealt with which means that the strategists have to identify the real important issues a strategy has to address. For instance, Nokia and Samsung are cellular manufacturers and these two organizations though they operate independent of each other, they certainly compete for customers worldwide. The strategists ought to position their product in a formidable way that would give them a competitive advantage. We will write a custom essay sample on How Strategic Choice Becomes a Subjective Matter When Used in the Management Procedures of Decision Making or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now In cellular business, each organization can try to develop unique features that would characterize their products and these would add competitive advantage to their products. Basically, it can be noted that the competitive strategy is meant to attract more customers through the creation of a vibrant brand which can attract as many customers as possible in the open market. The Ansoff Matrix can be used in strategy choice as illustrated diagrammatically in the paper. Specifically deals with choices of products and markets available to an organization. For an organization to be successful, it has to make an informed decision about the product it would wish to market to its people.

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